MOST IN-DEMAND 2015. Ranking the popularity of factories and fabric suppliers.
Our ranking of the most popular textile companies on the market.
28.10.2015, Платные уроки
We are proud to offer to our readers Williz’s first, demand-based ranking of factories and textile suppliers.
Quite unfortunately, there is very little statistical information available regarding the Russian textile market, perhaps most notably, which fabric suppliers draw the greatest interest and enjoy the highest demand among professionals. İn our opinion, such information could greatly assist designers and window treatment studios in their continuous search for new assortments and business partners.
We have thus decided to put together our own rating of popularity, which would be based on completely transparent criteria—the number of company profile visits from our readers, as well as the number of leads to companies’ websites.
We believe that such data will be objective for the following reasons:
1) The overwhelming majority of WilliZ’s visitors are professionals, whose website activity should accurately reflect the general interests of designers and window treatment studios across Russia.
2) In the course of one year, our website has gathered 378 334 page visits with 102 454 views of companies’ websites, therefore, there is a sound statistical body available for analysis.
Before we begin, we should note that the leading companies in our ranking are not the leaders in volume of sales, yet nonetheless, they draw the most interest.
Without further ado, we present you with the data.
We have thus decided to put together our own rating of popularity, which would be based on completely transparent criteria—the number of company profile visits from our readers, as well as the number of leads to companies’ websites.
We believe that such data will be objective for the following reasons:
1) The overwhelming majority of WilliZ’s visitors are professionals, whose website activity should accurately reflect the general interests of designers and window treatment studios across Russia.
2) In the course of one year, our website has gathered 378 334 page visits with 102 454 views of companies’ websites, therefore, there is a sound statistical body available for analysis.
Before we begin, we should note that the leading companies in our ranking are not the leaders in volume of sales, yet nonetheless, they draw the most interest.
Without further ado, we present you with the data.

Extended list (top-30)

Click image to enlarge
How the rating was put together
In order to find out which companies drew the highest interest from window treatment studios across Russia, we have evaluated the following aspects of the 2015 data:
1. The number of visits to a company’s profile at WilliZ (the 5 leaders of this category had over 14 000 views combined).
2. The number of leads to a company’s website (the 5 leaders of this category had over 3 000 leads combined).
We decided not to merge these two categories together, and instead, present them as two separate lists. Many of the companies, however, are present in both.
For the sake of “purity” of our results, we have not considered website leads that originated from WilliZ’s banners, as in the case of a number of companies, they have significantly affected the ratings.
The data was gathered based on Yandex (metric from January 1 to October 20, 2015).
WilliZ catalogue of suppliers
WilliZ catalogue of factories
1. The number of visits to a company’s profile at WilliZ (the 5 leaders of this category had over 14 000 views combined).
2. The number of leads to a company’s website (the 5 leaders of this category had over 3 000 leads combined).
We decided not to merge these two categories together, and instead, present them as two separate lists. Many of the companies, however, are present in both.
For the sake of “purity” of our results, we have not considered website leads that originated from WilliZ’s banners, as in the case of a number of companies, they have significantly affected the ratings.
The data was gathered based on Yandex (metric from January 1 to October 20, 2015).
WilliZ catalogue of suppliers
WilliZ catalogue of factories
About WilliZ
WilliZ – is a Russian b2b service for window treatment studios, textile and accessory suppliers and factories.
2015 Statistics:
Unique visitors – 26 955 (professionals in the textile field)
Approximate number of returning users, with consideration of different devices from which the visits were performed - around 10 000
WilliZ website page views (total) – 378 334
Views of companies’ websites – 102 454
2015 Statistics:
Unique visitors – 26 955 (professionals in the textile field)
Approximate number of returning users, with consideration of different devices from which the visits were performed - around 10 000
WilliZ website page views (total) – 378 334
Views of companies’ websites – 102 454

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